Understanding Auras


Auras are energy shields that protect people from the negative energy around them. Auras are full of energy, and they have been noted since the Middle Ages. Scientists have studied the energy around the human body, and some are able to catch this in pictures.

Understanding the Aura

The aura is a spiritual energy that surrounds the body. This helps to keep your body and your soul safe. The aura has seven auric layers, and they are made of different colors that match what is going on in your mental, physical, and spiritual being.

Physical Aura

The physical part of your aura is the one that is close to the body. It gets stronger when you get sleep.

Emotional Aura

This is the part of the aura that works with your emotions and is always changing. It can look dull if you are suffering with your emotions.

Mental Aura

This is the layer that is lower and works with your mental thoughts. It works with logic and reasoning and when you learn things it gets stronger.

Astral Aura

This is the layer of your spiritual being. This is when you have love and compassion and healing energies. This works with your seven chakras and can get stronger through meditation.

Etheric Aura

This is the layer that works with your psychic gifts. It has strong colors and as you connect with your spiritual being you will see this brighter.

Celestial Aura

This is the layer that works with your dreams and the third eye chakra. Your intuition and your sensitivity are here. Meditating can make this strong.

Causal Body Aura

This part of the aura is the layer on the outside. It is the one that holds the aura together and is the place of your spiritual journey.

Color of the Aura

The color of the aura works with your chakra colors. These energies work with healers and can help to be seen if there are blockages in your chakras.

Root Chakra

The root chakra is the one that is found at the bottom of the spine. It is where your powers stand, and it is associated with the color red.

When it is opened you will have:

• Love.
• Power.
• Energies.
• Sexual feelings.
• Compassion.
• Courage.

When it is blocked you will have:

• Anger.
• An overtaking ego.
• Frustration.
• Fearfulness.

A mantra tied with this chakra: I am safe.

Sacral Chakra

This chakra is the one that is found in the lower part of the stomach. It works to keep your sexuality strong and helps you to be creative. You can communicate your emotions when this is strong. It works with the color orange.

When it is opened you will have:

• Courage.
• Strength.
• Friendliness.
• Boldness.

When it is blocked you will have:

• Fear.
• Addictive behaviors.
• Sexual problems.
• Depression.

A mantra tied with this chakra: I am creative.

Solar Plexus Chakra

This is the third chakra and is surrounded with a yellow color. This is where your emotions and your self-power are. This is where your intuition lies, and you can have self-esteem and be confident in who you are.

When this chakra is open you will have:

• Happiness.
• Energy.
• Joy.
• Good health.

When this chakra is blocked you will have:

• Insecurity.
• No power.
• No purpose.
• No direction.

A mantra tied with this chakra: I am loved by many.

Throat Chakra

This is the fourth chakra and is found in the throat. This is where you can verbally express what you are feeling and are able to communicate. This is associated with the color blue.

When this chakra is open you will have:

• The ability to speak the truth.
• Good communication.
• Compassion.
• Care.
• Boundaries.

When this chakra is blocked you will have:

• Lies.
• Masculinity.
• Not able to speak up.
• Moodiness.

A mantra tied with this chakra: I am able to express myself.

Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is found at the top of the head, and it is where you can reach your divine self. This is where you will be connected with the universe and where you will have balance. This is associated with the color purple.

When this chakra is opened you will have:

  • Spiritual awareness.
  • A high consciousness.
  • An understanding.

When this chakra is blocked you will have:

  • Criticism.
  • Closed-mindedness.

A mantra associated with this chakra: I am able to be divine.

Other Aura Color Meanings

Here are some of the other color meanings of the aura:

  • Pink: Means an open heart and compassion.
  • White: Works with the crown chakra and means intelligence.
  • Black: Can mean that you need to be ground.
  • Rainbow: Having joy and compassion.

Reading Auras

You can read your own aura and then you can read the aura of others. Try by keeping your gaze soft and focus for a few minutes on the surrounding energy of those around them. You might begin to see energies and colors around the person.

Getting an Aura Reading

You can get an aura reading and you can find someone that can do this to help you to understand your health and your energies.


  1. I appreciate the breakdown of each chakra and its associated colors and qualities. It helps to differentiate how each chakra impacts our mental and physical health.

  2. The concept of auras being visible in photographs is intriguing. I wonder what kind of scientific evidence supports this phenomenon and how it can be measured.

  3. The article provides a detailed overview of the different layers of the aura and their corresponding functions. It’s interesting how each layer correlates with various aspects of our physical and spiritual well-being.

  4. Reading about the different layers of the aura and their effects on our well-being provides a comprehensive understanding of this spiritual concept. Including more scientific perspectives would enhance the credibility of this information.

  5. The article offers an in-depth look into the different aspects of auras and chakras. However, it would be beneficial to include references to scientific studies that explore these topics further.


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