Violet Flame Meditation to Better Your Life

Flame Meditation

When you want to manifest spiritual energy to yourself then you can use a violet flame to help to change you. A violet flame is one that can build your spiritual being and help you to feel alive.

A violet flame is a gift that is often given from an Ascended Master, and it comes from the universe. It has a lot of energy and high vibrational frequencies.

The violet flame is a gift that you can get anytime that you want it as long as you are on the path to awakening and you are open to information. This flame can help to get rid of negative karma in your life and help you to break life patterns. It can also help you to change who you are and raise your own vibrations.

The violet flame works best when you are meditating and when you are changing your energies in your life. This flame is very valuable to you finding your soul and your purpose.

Violet Flame Meditation

Once you can connect with the violet flame you will see that you can meditate, and you can instantly feel more energy.

You will see that when you mediate with this then you will be able to get what you want. You can call on St. Germaine and other angels to help you and to be present with you when you mediate.

Here are some things you can do to meditate with violet flame:

  • Call on your angels.
  • Ask them to show you that they are with you.
  • Be aware of their presence.
  • Connect with the violet flame.
  • Let your healing start and your vibrations increase.
  • Ask for healing and change to come.
  • Let the violet flame come in and say, “I want the violet flame to come and take action in my life.”
  • Let the flame come in and see it shining around you.
  • Let the energy come to you and open up your mind, body, and soul.
  • Feel your anger and your anxiety leaving.
  • Clear your thoughts and release anything that doesn’t help you.
  • Let go of hidden emotions.
  • Let the violet flame fill your bones, blood, and every inch of your body.
  • Let your body light up and let the violet flame come to you.
  • Once it is shining around you say, “I am with the violet flame, and it shines bright in me. I am in my divine truth, and I accept the highest light.
  • Let the diamond, violet fire come to you.
  • Allow the violet flame to flow through your body and into your aura.
  • Release anything holding you back.
  • Let love and light fill you.
  • Let the violet light consume you and heal you.
  • Release your ego.
  • Be aware of who you are.
  • Raise your vibrations.
  • Become the violet flame.


As you let the violet flame come to you, imagine that you are refreshed and that you are smart, pure, divine, shining, that you have integrity and that you are love.

Always remember to thank your angel guides for guiding you and for keeping you safe while you do violet flame meditation.